*****Key Stage 2 News This Week*****
Year 3:
We had lots of festive fun in our reading café this morning. The children listened beautifully and made some 3D decorations, which are adorning our classroom (they will bring them home!) We started our MAF advent adventure – there is an information leaflet about the organisation in reading records. The children completed their non-chronological reports about a prehistoric animal, using increasingly interesting adjectives. They are multiplying and dividing by 3 and 4 brilliantly. Stone Age learning has continued apace, creating the walls for their cave paintings, researching what Stone Age people wore and whole class reading of ‘Stone Age Boy’. Have a restful weekend!
Year 4:
‘This week, we have written our story settings in English, formally subtracted in Maths and much more. In Science, we’ve built circuits that have required more power and, at last, we’ve begun our sewing project, making book sleeves. This is without mentioning monsters in French, Circuits in P.E. and a map work finding King Alfred’s walled town in the U.K.
As the weather gets colder, please ensure that your child has a warm coat with a hat and gloves. Thank you again for all of the hard work with home learning and our new Thursday to Monday homework routine! Knowledge organiser quiz scores should be in your child’s reading record. We can always have a retest if they are keen to continue overlearning the facts.
Have a great weekend and, enjoy the snow should it arrive!’
Year 5:
It’s beginning to look a bit like Christmas in Year 5! It was lovely to see so many of you at this morning’s Reading Cafe. We will be having another one in the spring term so keep your eyes peeled for dates.
In English, we have begun to learn about argument and discussion texts. We’ve read and analysed our model text, ‘Edward the Confessor is not to blame for the crisis in 1066’. We will be adapting this to write the opposite argument next week. In Maths, we have been building towards long multiplication! We have been partitioning to multiply TU x TU. In History, we finally arrived at the Battle of Hastings (William won, who knew!) For the next few weeks, we will be looking at how William claims the crown and exerts control. Winning the battle doesn’t mean he’s won the crown yet.
Next Friday is another non-uniform day. This time it’s Christmas jumpers. We will be reaching peak festivity in school with Angie’s lovely Christmas dinner and then the Christmas fair after school.
Have a wonderful weekend. Stay warm!
Year 6:
We have enjoyed a reading cafe today on the book 'Refuge' by Anne Booth. This was told from the perspective of the donkey's journey, carrying Mary and the baby, Jesus.
Huge congratulations to our footballers, representing the school so ably and full of the Moulton spirit.
In English, we have been writing our imitation texts, based on the short film 'Germans in the Woods', and we have been planning our invention texts.
In history, we have been learning about why Chamberlain tried to appease Hitler and we were looking at some of the evidence we were presented with to decide whether or not the children thought that Chamberlain was 'the vain and foolish leader' he was described as being.
In maths, we have been continuing with fractions, focusing this week on 'finding the whole' of a given fraction.
In science, the children were developing their ability to write an aim in an investigation and testing this.
Homework this week is a reading comprehension and some revision of recent learning. The children will be writing a flashback about The Blitz, so this is to help generate ideas.
Have a super weekend.