Year 3
Welcome back Year 3 families! Thank you so much for the fantastic research and presentation that went into the children’s prehistoric animal home learning. They were clearly brilliantly supported and rightly proud to show us what they have done. We will be displaying their work, and the originals will be sent home in due course.
As we get back ‘into the swing,’ please continue to support the children with their reading, times tables, maths targets and handwriting. Little and often goes a long way! There is an optional home learning activity on the handwriting sheets from this point on.
In the classroom, we have hit the ground running. In English, we read a non-chronological report about tigers as a whole class, identified and found the features of this text type and ‘boxed-up’ the facts and topic words found in this text. The children have worked hard on the next step in maths – exchanging across 10s and 100s when using the expanded column method to add and subtract.
There is much Year 3 excitement about the Stone Age! The children wrote what the already know about it in history and made the link with our new science learning about rocks and fossils. We started this by looking at how igneous, metamorphic and sedimentary rocks are formed. The theme continues in art, where we researched cave art, what it usually depicts and where it is found, the colours and materials used and why we think people created it. If the children would like to bring in items linked to this learning, our art lessons are on Mondays, history lessons on Tuesdays and science lessons on Wednesdays.
In PE, the children have begun rugby and Miss Spinks has begun the first music unit (storytelling through music) with the children. Mrs Chittock’s RE lesson explored how Muslims show submission and obedience to Allah.
Have a super weekend!
The Year 3 team
Year 4
Welcome back to the start of our new half-term. The children seem very animated and excited to be back and learning.
MONDAY 11th November 2024 - TRIP TO WEST STOW - just a reminder; school uniform, legs covered (leggings, trousers, skins, PE joggers), waterproof coat (possibly warm too), shoes that can get dirty, backpack with lunch and water bottle. Please bring in your book bag as usual as we won't be leaving until 10am and will need to change reading books etc. Make sure you have breakfast because we won't be eating until lunchtime.
Our learning this week;-
English - We started the week writing a setting description. We also looked at the possessive apostrophes. We ended the week with looking at some 'Quest' stories as this will be our text type for this term.
Maths - We are looking at multiplication and division and have started at looking at 'multiples' and looking at links between 1's numbers (3) and 10's (30) numbers and making them less scary to work with. We partitioned 2-digit numbers to then multiply them using the gird method and then using expanded column addition. With Mrs Harper they were looking at measuring in cm and M.
Topic - We looked at West Stow Anglo-Saxon Village and the history/archaeology that has happened there.
Music - Continuing using the glockenspiels to play 'Walking the bass'.
Science - This term we are looking at electricity and this week looked at electrical safety.
Computing - The children explored a software called 'Sketchup'.
DT - The children investigated different types of fastening. They will be making a book cover/pouch this term. Due to the small slot of time for this lesson the sewing part will be coming home to be done. It would be nice if you could take some photos of them whilst they are sewing and email them to me. This won't be for a couple of weeks yet, I'll warn you.
RE - We have started and Islam unit and have discussed this week how you would choose someone to deliver an important message, what qualities are you looking for?
We were embarrassingly low with Star Readers this week. I cannot stress enough how important reading is, it is used in all aspects of life. Please read regularly with your child.
This week I sent home spellings as homework, the test will be on Tuesday, please return the sheet whether it is complete or not. Please carry on with Maths Targets and Times Tables. If you sign off a Maths Target please make sure your child tells us so that we can check it and move them on.
I look forward to catching up with you all over the next 2 weeks.
Have a lovely weekend,
Mrs Chittock
Year 5
We have launched straight back into learning with a vengeance this week. We had a lesson learning some background about our new topic - the crisis for the crown in 1066. This is my favourite of all Year 5's topics because it has everything! Battles, sibling rivalry, broken promises, comets, exiles, witches, harrying, betrayals and even Queens being forcibly married to Viking invaders who killed their husbands! It's soooo much more than what happened at Hastings on the 14th October! So far, we've learnt about how Europe was different in 1066, a bit about Edward the Confessor's life and about the 4 men who wanted his crown.
In English, we have been learning about persuasion. We've had a look at some adverts to see how they use different techniques to persuade us and have read two very famous historical speeches, analysing them for persuasive features. We will use these for inspiration when we write our own persuasive speeches next week.
In Maths, we have been recapping and refining our knowledge of column subtraction. We've recapped re-partitioning (we used to call it borrowing) and even had a go at subtracting from numbers with a dreaded double zero in. We've learnt how important it is to present calculations neatly and form numbers accurately.
Next Wednesday, we have our science morning at Newmarket Academy. Children need to be taken to the Academy for 8:50, where the Year 5 team will be there to meet them. We will come back to school before lunch, so children are still able to have a school lunch. It's a great morning - we get to use Bunsen burners and have a go at dissolving some chemicals in acids to make bath bombs!
Have a lovely weekend. See you on Monday!
Miss Rutter, Mrs Marsh and Mrs Nichols
Year 6
Welcome back!
It has been another very busy week in Year 6.
In maths, we have started to look at simplifying and comparing fractions. This is where understanding and ability to recall and apply times tables is so crucial, and there is a real difference between recalling and understanding and applying. If your child finds recalling and applying times tables tricky, it would be beneficial to encourage them to spend time on TTR. You could also ask them questions, such has 'What is 72 divided by 12'. This helps the children to think about the inverse.
In English, we have looked at the poem 'In Flanders Field', and we have started to explore the terms 'mood, tone and atmosphere' which will become more important as the year progresses.
In history, we have been learning about some of the allied leaders in WW2.
In RE, we have been comparing difference between Sunni and Shi'a Muslims, acknowledging that just as in Christianity, different denominations of a core faith can exist. We then looked at the six beliefs of Sunni Muslims.
In PSHE, we have started to think about mental well-being. We were really impressed with how the children were able to express their understanding of what helps them to feel 'better'.
Home learning this week is based on the fractions learning in maths.
Nuala Gilmore