Year 3
As week six draws to a close in this 8-week half term, the children may be feeling the effects of the step up to key stage 2. This year, they will build resilience and stamina, particularly when it comes to writing. They may be tired, (we still have two weeks to go) so the weekend rest is much-needed.
We experienced a noticeable drop in reading this week, having been second in school over several weeks. Please keep up that regular, ‘little and often’ approach. Fluent, confident reading underpins all learning.
The children have been planning and writing their ‘marvellous medicine’ instruction texts, incorporating the text-type structure, time conjunctions, imperative verbs and adverbs that have also featured in our grammar learning. In maths, we have recapped adding and subtracting 1s across a 10 and 10s across a 100 using the pictorial method (take a look at the school website to familiarise yourself with our calculation policy .
Our science learning focussed on classification of ‘vertebrates’ and ‘invertebrates.’ The children had lots of thoughtful questions and ideas about animal groupings and shared lots of existing knowledge – we have a rich seam to mine (and lots of homework for me!) In geography, the children wrote letters explaining why we import fruits and vegetables from around the world, based on what they have learned. We have been developing programming skills in computing to draw a range of shapes using the repeat function in algorithms on the Pro-Bots. The children continued their RE focus on reconciliation with Mrs Chittock and harmful and helpful drugs with Miss Spinks.
We wish you all a lovely weekend.
The Year 3 team (Miss Murphy, Mrs Dobson and Mrs Troughton)
Year 4
The children all looked lovely on Thursday, so you are going to get some lovely photos. Another busy week with photos and Reading Cafe alongside all the learning we have done. It was lovely to see some of you again at the Reading Cafe. Thank you for increasing the reading this week, we were close, well done, maybe next week.
Our Learning this week;-
English - The children have loved designing and describing their own monster. There are some really scary beasts! There was some great work with their reading comprehension this week too.
Maths - We have completed our units focusing on place value and area and have started Addition and Subtraction. The children are doing well.
Topic - We looked at what the challenges were for the Anglo-Saxons when they arrived in Britain and whether this made it harder or easier for them.
Art - The children finished this unit with designing their own Anglo-Saxon Brooches using the skills and designs they have been looking at. There were many that could be made and sold even today - I'd buy them.
Science - There was some great plant identification and minibeast hunting with great scientific language used to describe what they had found.
RE - We continue to look at how it is important to recognise and seek forgiveness for sin, as Jesus did, to be able to help and serve others as it makes us feel better about ourselves.
Have a great weekend, and wrap up warm - it looks like it's going to be a chilly one.
Emma Chittock
Year 5
Star Reader was very close this week - there were 3 winning classes and we were 2nd by just 1%! Every read counts. Remember, children need 6 recorded reads in their reading record book to be a Star Reader.
In English this week, we have been investigating the famous UFO sighting at Roswell. We've read various eye-witness statements, analysed their sentence types and read them critically to see who we believe. We will use these as inspiration to write our own UFO eyewitness statement next week. In Maths, we have finished looking at negative numbers. We even had a look at some Y6 SATs questions about negative numbers to see they aren't as scary as we might have thought! We have had some amazing progress on times table mountain this week. We had 5 people go up on Tuesday!
We had a real treat on Wednesday, when Dr Matthew Bothwell from Cambridge University came in to talk to us about all things space. The children asked some amazing questions and listened really carefully to all the clever things he was talking about it. We got his educated opinion on lots of the space hot topics: do aliens exist? (probably), is there a multiverse (he thinks so), do you think Pluto should be a planet? (no).
Have a great weekend,
Miss Rutter, Mrs Marsh and Mrs Nichols.
Year 6
This week in Y6
In RE, we have been learning about the different ways in which Jesus is depicted in art, and how some of this helps Christians to understand Jesus in that he is represented as human and a divine miracle worker.
In English
We have been writing invent texts - writing diary entries in role as a WW2 soldier.
In maths, we have been continuing to develop multiplication skills, as well as revising short division without remainders, and then moving on to short division with decimals and remainders as integers.
This week we were learning about the properties of light. Most of us were surprised to discover that light is invisible! Also that you need light to see, lots of us thought we would still be able to see if it was completely dark. We experimented with prisms, we split the white light into rainbows and saw how the prism can distort what we see
The children have been learning to describe school subjects and sports, including listening speaking and writing about subjects.
In history we have been learning about why so many lives were lost on the Western Front.
The children have continued to develop and impress with their footballing skills.
Home learning this week
I have set some arithmetic questions for this week. As always, I am on hand to help on a Monday lunchtimes.
Have a super weekend
Nuala Gilmore