Year 3
We have enjoyed a wonderful, work-filled week in Year 3 (including our first look at alliteration). Thank you kindly for supporting the children to complete their home learning – times tables, maths targets, reading, spellings and handwriting.
It is all helpful for learning in school, and the ‘little and often’ approach helps consolidate and secure their learning, ready for the next steps. We were second in the star reader challenge this week and are aiming for top spot!
Congratulations to Dovidas and Camilla who gave thoughtful speeches and were voted to represent year 3 on the school council. Well done to all the children who spoke in front of the class!
In English this week, we learned and imitated an instruction text using a text map and actions. We identified the features of an instruction text and applied them to complete sentences, using time conjunctions, imperative verbs and adverbs. We also read ‘how to get ready for school’ as a whole class and answered comprehension questions.
In maths, we have been representing, partitioning and estimating numbers on a line up to 1,000. We had fun researching where our fruits and vegetables come from – the children found countries they have not heard of on the packaging (more on this in next week’s geography!)
In computing, the children considered what ‘physical devices’ are and reminded themselves of how to use one in the form of a Bee-bot before we progress to Pro-bots. Mrs Chittock’s RE lesson continued to focus on reconciliation in Christianity and Miss Spinks looked at the dangers of smoking and second-hand smoke with the children.
Have a great weekend!
The year 3 team (Miss Murphy, Mrs Troughton and Mrs Dobson).
Year 4
We are really getting into the swing of being back at school now. Thank you for reading with your children. We did a lot better this week but only came 3rd, maybe next week, with your help.
Our learning this week:-
Maths - continues with place value, representing and adding 1, 10, 100,1000, to 4-digit numbers with Mrs Chittock and measurement with Mrs Harper.
English - this week we have written up our imitation of the text and have started to look at the grammar around the writing ready to start innovating the text.
Topic - This week we discussed where the Anglo-Saxons came from and why they might have come, what were the push and pull factors.
Science - continues with Mrs Harper and is looking at living things and their habitat.
Art - we looked closely at Anglo-Saxon art and identified what was being depicted.
Music - We learnt to hand jive and a few dance steps.
Computing - using probots.
PHSE - we used our knowledge of democracy and voted for our school council reps.
RE - We delved a bit more into what salvation means to Christians.
Have a lovely weekend and I look forward to another busy week next week.
May I ask that if your child cannot tie shoelaces, you could maybe look at other options, either laces that don't need to be tied or an alternative shoe. It is only a matter of time before someone gets hurt by tripping over their laces.
Thank you
Mrs Chittock, Mrs Harper and the Year 4 team.
Year 5
We've had another busy week. We had our election for School Councillors and appointed our new JRSOs and CWC members.
Congratulations to our newly employed class members:
Lilley and Poppy (School Councillors)
Jay, Izzy, Liberty and Grace (Junior Road Safety Officers)
Martha, Daisy, Sophie, Amelie-Rose, Maddie, Nancy, Joules and Nell (Collective Worship Committee)
They already have lots of plans for competitions and assemblies! School Council and JRSO badges are on their way.....
We had a real treat on Wednesday. Alf brought in his ceiling projector, and we had a look at the planets of the solar system and several different galaxies. I think the projector may be finding its way onto lots of Christmas lists.....
In English, we wrote a biography for one of the Apollo 11 astronauts. It was so interesting to see the similarities in their stories. They were all at university together! In Maths, we have been looking at decimal place value. We have seen some great progress on Times Table Mountain - I think we had 10 people pass levels on Wednesday!
I'm delighted to say that we won Bookster Bear again with 89% star readers. Remember, children need 6 recorded reads to be a Star Reader. I'd love to add to our winning streak (mostly because it's really annoying all the other teachers!)
Have a super weekend!
Miss Rutter, Mrs Marsh and Mrs Nichols
Year 6
Happy Friday!!
It feels like we have been back for a long time because of how well your children are demonstrating their readiness to be Y6.
In maths this week, we have been consolidating our understanding of addition and subtraction in both fluency and reasoning. We have focused on spotting patterns in numbers as well as manipulating numbers, using known facts. It has been so brilliant to see so many children really challenging themselves in their learning.
In English, we have been experimenting with new sentence types as well as imitating a diary entry in preparation for writing their own next week. We have continued to enjoy reading Private Peaceful.
In RE, we were exploring what the Holy Trinity means and how it is used to guide and support Christians.
In PSHE, we were learning about the universality of Human Rights - this prompted some wonderful discussion.
In history, we were learning about some of the battles from WW1, discussing which the children felt most significant.
Home learning this week:
-All children have an extract from The Secret Garden with some accompanying questions.
-Maths - three different challenge levels were available, based on the needs of different groups.
As always, I am on hand to help with any questions about homework on Monday lunch time.
A shout-out to the librarians for leading their first story time outside to some Y2 children.
Have a super weekend.
Nuala Gilmore