*****Key Stage 2 News This Week*****
Year 3:
Another wonderful week of learning, with the added treat of the Widdershins theatre visit! Our focus in maths is on multiplication and division. The children have been using arrays (please see the school calculation policy if you are not familiar with these), grouping, sharing, and exploring multiples of 2, 5 and 10. In English, they are using increasingly adventurous adjectives to describe prehistoric animals and have consolidated their use of capital letters for starting sentences and proper nouns (we sometimes forget them, or add a rogue capital in unexpected places). Amongst lots of great learning, we were particularly impressed by their teamwork and independence this week, working in groups to create informative posters about different rock types – well done Year 3! Have lovely weekend.
Year 3 class teacher
Mrs Harper (Monday – Wednesday), Miss Murphy (Thursday-Friday)
Year 4:
‘Well done on the homework front. Our new arrangement with homework being set on a Thursday and due the following Monday is working very well. I can also extend this to spelling homework with brilliant scores this week. Over the course of the week, we have been learning all about King Alfred once again, choosing fabric for our book sleeves,
adding in maths, building circuits in Science and, building our story setting ideas within English. This is all without mentioning super P.E., PSHE and French learning.
Finally, please remember to spend time learning all of the key facts on the Topic knowledge Organiser over this next week. On Friday there will be a quiz’
Year 5:
We’ve had a super week this week. We have been consolidating our knowledge of short multiplication and have been using it to multiply multiples of 10 (20, 30, 40 etc) We’ve had lots of children passing levels on TTM this week. On Tuesday, we had 5 move ups!
In English, we have been writing a letter as Tostig Godwinson. If you haven’t heard about him, he was the annoying younger brother of Harold who was exiled, joined the Vikings and then launched an invasion against his big brother. Definitely one of history’s more interesting characters!
Homework this week was comparing Edgar the Atheling and William’s claims to the throne in early 1066.
Have a wonderful weekend
Year 6:
In Year 6 this week...
In English, we are innovating a text, thinking about a range of vocabulary and sentence structures. From what I have read of what has been written so far, they are fantastic.
In maths, we have been continuing to calculate fractions - this week, it has been multiplying and dividing fractions.
In history, we have been looking at the rise of the dictators in WW2, knowing that not all dictators were not supporting the allied forces.
In PE, the children have been practising their dodgeball skills.
In art, the children have been working on dazzle camoflauge of the RMS Olympic - stunning results!
Home learning this week:
Each child has been set a maths task to complete. (due Tuesday)
Each child has been given a list of spellings on which they will be tested next Friday. All of these spellings are available to be played on Spelling Shed.
Please continue to encourage your child to read: reading stamina is so important at this stage.
Have a super weekend!
Nuala Gilmore