A longer-than-usual message from Mrs Shipp!
What a week! Anecdotally, the decision to close the school for a 'snow day' is most feared by headteachers, but I would now say that Sports Day decisions are worse! I am so sorry that our original plans did not work out - we would love to be able to control the weather! Next year, we will not plan a date for a reserve sports day - we can not predict the weather on a reserve day any more than we can on the original day, and next Wednesday is due to be wet. We are looking at options to hold Sports Day in the first part of the summer term, which will give greater flexibility to move the date, as secondary school transition days are in the second part of the term. Thank you for understanding the predicament in which we found ourselves.
Monday's assembly was about being safe in the sun, (we watched this video here) and different current temperatures around the world (Baghdad was 46 degrees celsius!) Thank you to Lily (Y4) who pointed out that Phoenix would be hot too - she was right: it was 45 degrees that day! Thank you also to Laurence (Y1), who estimated the temperature of the sun's surface when I mused out loud about it. We also talked about being hydrated, and that the colour of one's urine is an indicator of hydration levels. We looked at a scientific diagram. I was really impressed with the children's sensible approach to this conversation - they were very mature indeed.
On Wednesday, Mrs. Gilmore spoke with the children about Mercedes Benz, and how Karl Benz and his wife, Bertha showed commitment to innovation, overcoming hurdles, and working with others to achieve their goals - it is 138 years since he hit speeds of 10mph.
During Thursday's Celebration Assembly, we held our usual celebrations and said goodbye to Mr. Coldwell, our trainee teacher in Y5. We thanked Mr. Coldwell for all that he has given to our school, and wish him lots of luck in his new school!
Today, I spoke with the children about Jesus' disciples - their names, and how they came to know Jesus. I wonder if the children can remember the names of them all... We also talked briefly about the General Election result, and that we will have a new prime minister.
On Monday and Tuesday, we will welcome our new Reception children into school. Our current children will spend time in their new classrooms for approximately one hour on Monday and Tuesday afternoon. We have indicated this on our visual timetable in school, and we will speak with everyone on Monday morning.
Annual school reports will be sent home with your child on Tuesday. Please could you let us know if you require a second copy of the report for parents that live in a different home. We can email electronic copies of reports to parents if needed. You will have received an email about this year's report formats today. It was a pleasure to read and comment on every child's report.
It is the annual duck race and fun day in the village on Saturday - maybe I will see you there! I will be selling raffle tickets at the church stall.
A reminder: the autumn term starts on Tuesday 3rd September. (Monday 2nd September is a PD day, so no pupils in school). Please note the start-of-term dates for some of our siblings' schools:
Newmarket Academy: Tuesday 3rd September (The same as us)
St. Benedict's: Wednesday 4th September (Different to us)
County Upper: Tuesday 3rd September (The same as us)
King Edward: Wednesday 4th September (Different to us)
King's Ely: Tuesday 3rd September (The same as us)
Culford: Tuesday 3rd September (The same as us)
Soham Village College: Tuesday 3rd September for Y7; and Wednesday 4th September for other years
We cannot authorise absences if our pupils are off school, because their sibling is not at school. We had a large proportion of absent pupils after Easter this year, due to differing term dates between schools. As a Local Authority maintained school (not an academy), we cannot be flexible about our term dates.
In order to comply with the DfE's stipulated length of day, we need to tweak our start and end times. From September, gates will open at 8:40am, and all pupils will need to be in school at 8:45am. Reception pupils will finish school at 3:05pm, and all other year groups will finish school at 3:15pm. We are currently looking at how many pupils will be exiting from the front and back of the school, so that we can advise on which classes should collect from the drop-off zone, and how sibling pick-up will operate. (Further information to follow). The new times will not help with the parking situation, but we have limited flexibility on this. Please walk to school, or park in the village and walk if you possibly can. If you are in a hurry, and a busy car park will cause you stress, we urge you to drop off and collect at the quieter times, which tend to be just before the gates close in the morning, and at around 3:17pm after school.
Y6 pupils enjoyed a visitor from a member of the Newmarket Interfaith Group. Mr. Bourne gave the children lots of context about China, which will help with their class novel, Chinese Cinderella. The children enjoyed the photos of the pandas.
We wish our American families a joyful and patriotic Independence Day for yesterday! I hope that your day was, and weekend will be, filled with fun. Happy 4th of July!
Special mentions...
Thank you to Maisie (Y4), who made a wonderful junk model at home of Jesus and passover - thank you! Well done to Omya (Y6), who took part in a combined, South and West, Suffolk Youth Junior Orchestra performance, where she played the Flute. There were over 100 musicians in attendance, playing to an audience of 300 - wow! The kitchen team would like to highlight Erin (Y6) for kindness this week - well done! The breakfast club team would like to highlight Audley (Y1) for his wonderful manners - he held the door for every single child yesterday - well done! We are proud of one of our Y5 boys, who is now an official chorister at St. Edmundsbury Cathedral. (Photo below). Two of our Y3 girls did brilliantly at a ballet show this weekend, dancing confidently and with a smile - well done, girls! (Photo below). Thank you to Jay (Y4) who showed me his well-earned medal after running a Race For Life - what dedication, stamina and commitment - well done! Thank you to Chloe W (R) for beautiful manners and excellent lunchtime conversation this week. Well done to Jessie (Y5), who showed such tenacity when wrestling with a door and a heavy trolley this week - she was determined to get it through the door, and did so with as much grace as possible! Well done to Edward (Y5), for a mature attitude towards me and Mrs Manning this week. It was lovely that Harrison (Y1) created a fourth core value for us, complete with a symbol - it is currently on display in the office area - thank you. Well done to Yash (R), who has moved on to Stage 3 swimming - what an achievement for a Reception child! Amber (Y5) has passed grade 3 on the cello - amazing - testament to her commitment. Well done to all of our musicians who performed at Newmarket Academy yesterday. A member of staff emailed me to say that our pupils had been a credit to our school - super news!
Have a wonderful weekend - see you on Monday!