Year 3
Week 2 has flown by and the children have impressed us with their stamina, writing beautifully until the end of Friday! A small mention that some children have brought in items from home, such as jewellery and trading cards. Please could you remind your child that this is not allowed, as they can be distracting and, worse still, cause upset if lost.
Our learning this week has included lots of time-telling in maths (to five minutes and 1 minute, am/pm, days and months and hours). In English we have been imitating ‘Icarus and Daedalus’ and written it up from memory. The children also wrote expanded noun phrases about mythical creatures and gods and did whole class reading about fossils. In RE we explored Nanak as a guru, we discussed looking after ourselves in PSHE and, in French, used the conjunction ‘mais’ (but) to describe which characters we liked in our story, ‘Le lièvre et la tortue.’ We finished with a flurry of writing in character as Demetrius, an ancient Greek patient visiting an Asklepion sanctuary.
Have a wonderful weekend! The year 3 team.
Year 4
This week we have been a writing workshop with some fascinating reading work in the middle all about the Titanic. Yes we are still learning more about the Titanic. This is also true of our topic where we’ve looked at the different nationalities of the passengers. In Maths, we’ve been looking at money, including some games and problem solving.
Our Science experiment really cooled us down with our ice experiment. In Computing, we looked at a Bug Hunt game and decomposed the steps. Finally, we looked at covenant in R.E. and the Passover story.
Also, a massive well done to the Year 4’s who underwent the Times Tables assessments this week.
Have a fantastic weekend.
Mr T
Year 5
We finished our end of year assessments this week! The Y5 team have been so pleased with the scores. The children took the tests really seriously and tried their hardest. I really enjoyed marking the maths papers; the annotations and workings out written round the questions made my heart sing! In our maths lessons, we have finished our learning on calculating percentages. Children have been using the bubble method to calculate any percentage that you can think of!
In English, they have been learning about how to write formal letters. We greatly enjoyed reading their cold task (complaining to Mrs Shipp that Y4 had been invited on a residential trip to France instead of them!) and it's given us some things to focus on in the coming weeks - largely formal tone and using enough emotive language to make a point, but not so much that it sounds like a melodrama!
Everyone needs a t-shirt for swimming next week! The session will focus on drowning prevention and the children will be practising lots of strategies to help them should they ever get into difficulties in water. Congratulations to the children who passed the Gold Award this morning. All of the deep enders have achieved 'gold' which is a fantastic achievement.
Have a lovely weekend. Fingers crossed for some more summery weather next week!
Miss Rutter, Mrs Marsh and Mr Coldwell
Year 6
Another busy week in Year 6!
The week began with an intensive 'French' day - Miss Spinks and Mrs Moldovean were really impressed with the attitude and application of the children in these lessons.
We have been learning about Baravelle Spirals, the Fibonacci Sequence and Chinese Multiplication - we have had some fun learning these, particularly the latter as for some children, they have shown a real preference for this method, over the column method.
In English, we have continued reading Chinese Cinderella, looking at the development of key characters; writing diary entries in role and learning a range of new sentence structures.
In RE, we have been learning about the Four Noble Truths and how this underpins Buddhists' beliefs.
We have rehearsed quite a bit this week, and we are delighted with how the play is coming along!
We had a visit from St Benedict's for the pupils who are transferring to them. I will keep you updated when we hear from other schools, whether or not they plan to visit.