Year 3
Year 3 has hit the new half-term ground running, with a week of maths and English assessments. They tackled them with gusto!
As we review progress and ensure the children are ready for year 4, we would be grateful if you would continue to practise times tables (3, 4 and 8s especially must be rapidly recalled), maths targets and reading as much as possible. Thank you kindly for your support!
We have been learning to read Roman numerals and to tell the time to the nearest five minutes, which can be tricky on an analogue clock. In English, we have been learning the story of Icarus and Daedalus using a text map, and answering questions based on whole class reading of Theseus and the Minotaur.
We have begun to consolidate and extend our learning about the human body in science, with this week’s focus on skeletal muscles. In history we identified a myriad (word of Greek origin) of legacy gifts the Ancient Greeks have given us – see if your children can remember any. In French we consolidated our learning to ask for what we would like in a shop and in PSHE we have been learning about what makes good friendships. We have begun tinkering with Scratch in computing, researching Greek vases in art and asked, “What is a guru?” in RE.
Have a great weekend! The year 3 team.
Year 4
This week, we have been doing lots of assessments and the children have worked incredibly hard. Also, in Science, we’ve looked at states of matter and how to group different things. Our topic has shifted to a different question about class on the Titanic and whether it affects people’s chances of surviving. In R.E., we also looked at what covenant means, linking it to Jewish stories. One afternoon, we began our D.T. design phase, drawing out our cars to construct at a later date.
On another note, we’ve completed practise runs of the time-table test. We are all ready for the actual assessment next week. Please ensure that your child is practising as often as possible in the build-up.
Thank you for all the hard work that you continue to do with your child as we approach the summer.
Mr T
Year 5
Well we managed to survive our most itty-bitty, here, there and everywhere week!
The Bikeability instructors were all really impressed with the children. Everyone who took part met the standard to earn themselves a badge and a certificate. Dave told me how beautifully behaved the children were and how it was a privilege to get to spend this week with them which is lovely to hear. We've also had more success in swimming - the 4 children who attempted the Gold Award this morning all passed!
In class, we have completed most of our end of year assessments (we've still got the two maths reasoning papers to go!) The children have worked really hard and been so focused. They've listened to advise and some of them even took said advice! We have all learnt about how we can get better at 'taking tests' - largely by reading the question carefully and using a method in maths! The scores so far have been brilliant so we are a very pleased Y5 team (Mrs Gilmore is also very pleased, too!)
Next week, we are all looking forward to being back to normal. We will actually have some normal lessons and will start rehearsing for our end of year play, "Robin and the Sherwood Hoodies". Children will have their role in the play confirmed next week. Those who auditioned for a bigger part should already know (but may have forgotten - it was a while ago).
Have a lovely, restful weekend. Here's to getting back to normality!
Miss Rutter, Mrs Marsh and Mr Coldwell
Year 6
It has been a busy week in Year 6.
In English, we have started our new novel: Chinese Cinderella - it has gripped the children so far.
In maths, we have started a 'spirals' project, looking at spirals in nature; how to draw them; Baravelle spirals, and will be looking at the Fibonacci sequence next week.
In geography, we looked at other extreme environments - the arctics and why places are so cold.
In PSHE, we have been looking at relationships and what to do when things go wrong.
We have also started some play rehearsals (hurray!)
Next week: there is a focus on French, play rehearsals, reading and enjoying our novel and getting ready for secondary school (for some, the secondaries will be in to meet the children).
A gentle reminder that if you wish to order a play t-shirt for your child, this needs to be done by 3pm on Monday 10th June as orders are being sent after school on that day.