Year 3
What a wonderful end to this half-term! Every child completed their cushions in DT, using every technique asked of them – applique, cross-stitch and adding buttons. The whole class received a certificate in celebration.
This week’s learning also included completing their invent texts persuading the reader to visit Newmarket, or the Stone Age! In maths, we continue to develop our ability to do column addition and subtraction, using dienes to support as we exchange. We also completed our learning about angles – see if your child can find acute, right and obtuse angles around the house and when out and about. The children learned and practised how to ask what someone would like (Qu’est-ce que tu voudrais?) and to say what they would like (Je voudrais…). Their confidence in speaking is progressing brilliantly. In computing, book trailers were finished and watch. In PSHE, we discussed reasons to borrow money.
We ended the half-term with the great history and geography of Newmarket quiz, consolidating our learning, and having lots of fun! We wish you all a safe, happy and healthy holiday. The Year 3 team.
Year 4
Across this week, we have been a bustling hive of learning once again. We’ve looked at a range of space and shape objectives, we’ve written for a range of different purposes and, we’ve finished off quite a few of our topics. In Science, we thought once more about Living Things and their habitats, whilst in art we put our collage skills to use in a final piece. In music, we continued to rehearse our syncopated samba rhythms and, of course, we finished our Titanic Presentations.
It has been amazing to see so many children making progress in their Times Tables recently. This is just another reminder that, within the first few weeks, we will have to do the Multiplication Tables Check. This is a national assessment for all Year 4 pupils. Please ensure your child practices as much as possible on TTR or by other means to secure automatic fluency with their tables. Thank you in advance.
The pupils have also received quite comprehensive homework. Please do ensure that this is completed within the pockets of time you have available over the holidays. I won’t be setting quite this volume each week, but it does act as a good rehearsal for Year 5 expectations.
Have a well-earned break and I look forward to seeing Year 4 on the 3rd of June.
Year 5
It's been nice to get back to normal this week. In English, we started the week by writing our accounts of how Oliver met Bill Sikes. Our focus had been on building tension and making these accounts really descriptive. The accounts were amazing - I spent quite a long time rushing around the school showing all the other adults. They were so good I had to have 2 Writers of the Week! In Maths, we have continued to learn about percentages. We've now added all the bubbles we need to the 'bubble method' which means we can now calculate any percentage!
We've had more swimming success! Many children in Jane's group have achieved their second proficiency certificate - well done! Congratulations to the 5 children who attempted the Gold Award this morning - they all passed! I have the list of the children who will be having their turn after half term - I'll put a note in the RRs to remind them about their T-shirts. All of the shallow-end group will need a T-shirt every week going forward! Again, I'll make sure there are notes in the RRs!
The first week back is Bikeability which means there are lots of changes and people zooming about here, there and everywhere.
Some reminders:
-Your child can wear non-uniform on the days they are completing the Bikeability course. Clothing needs to be practical for a day of cycling and shoulders must be covered.
- If you have a bike lock, please bring it in so your bike can be secured overnight. If you don't have a lock, don't worry. We will store the bike in the school building.
-Group C children (who are cycling on Wednesday and Thursday) can come to school in PE kit on MONDAY.
- Helmets must be worn by cyclists. Water bottles must be brought.
Have a wonderful half term - I look forward to seeing you all on Monday, 3rd June!
Miss Rutter, Mrs Marsh and Mr Coldwell
Year 6
Post-SATs it has been a slightly more relaxed but nevertheless, busy week.
We have been writing persuasive letters to the government to take action to slow down deforestation in the rainforest.
We have been learning about the symbolism of the Eucharist in different denominations in Christianity.
We have been painting vases in art.
We have been learning about what it is like in Death Valley.
We have also started to have a read-through of our play: huge well done and thanks to the children who auditioned today: these roles have now been cast. We will be in touch re. costumes, so we would ask that nobody goes ahead and purchases anything.
There is no homework set this holiday, so please enjoy the break!
Nuala Gilmore