*****Key Stage 2 News This Week*****
Year 3:
The children have done some super learning this week.
This has included writing an imitation text about tigers and making lots of connections in their maths using number bonds to 100, fact families and the inverse operations for addition and subtraction.
In RE they explored mosques, drew wild animals in art and recited a whole story in French (with wonderful accents and actions). We are delving ever deeper into prehistory – you might like to ask your children what they have learned so far about how people lived in the Palaeolithic (old Stone Age), Mesolithic (middle Stone Age) and Neolithic (new Stone Age) periods.
Year 4:
‘We have worked really hard on our Kennings in English, our division work in maths, and, have explored electrical circuits. We’ve also loved designing 3D houses on imaging software and designing book sleeves for our D.T. sewing project. Please talk to your child about whether they would like another fastening other than a button (school provided).
I have adjusted homework to mirror Year 3. We now give it out on a Thursday and expect it in on Monday. The spellings are still consistently tested on a Tuesday and then the new ones are set. Thank you for all of the work you are doing on the King Alfred knowledge organiser too. This really supports your child’s engagement in our Topic learning.
Thank you for all your ongoing support and for sending your child in non-uniform in aid of Children in Need.
Have a fantastic weekend.
Mr T’
Year 5:
It’s been a great week in Y5. We finally got to our first battle in History – The Battle of Fulford Gate. In English, we have written our speeches as the 1066 contenders, trying to cram in as many persuasive devices as we could! We ended the week looking at a poisonous letter, penned by Harold Godwinson’s troublesome younger brother, Tostig. Next week, we are going to have a go at writing our own! We already have lots of ideas as to what we might put into them! In maths, we have learnt how to short multiply (up to 3 digits). We weren’t sure about it at first, but now we love it (or at least accept that it is quicker than all other ways!)
We are having our annual Widdershins treat a bit early this year – it is happening next Thursday!
Have super weekends!
Year 6:
We had a wonderful day at Duxford on Monday with lots of walking and even more learning. We have pondered how Concorde could be brought back into service - we learned so many fascinating facts.
In English, we have been focusing on a range of sentence structures as well as finishing our imitation texts, ready to apply this to learning for next week.
In history, the children were reading about some of the different battles of WW2.
In PSHE, we have been discussing the mental health, recognising that it is something we all have and beginning to consider what is meant by good and poor mental health.
In RE, we have been learning about the different stages of prayer, Muslims follow.
In maths, it has been quite an intensive week, learning to add and subtract fractions - we have been really pleased with how well the children have coped with this challenge.
Have a super weekend!