A message from Mrs Shipp
What a lovely final Week!
Our trip to the church yesterday was really nice. Helen Matter, formerly of the Diocese, and Reverend Chris led an engaging and enjoyable service. We were really proud of the children's behaviour. It is a beautiful moment when silence descends, as the children approach the church gates - even our youngest children were extremely respectful as they walked up the hill to the church.
Our Year 3 and Year 4 children were amazing in their production of Resurrection Joy. Thank you to all families for your support. The National Curriculum is extremely full for primary school children, and there is not a minute to spare - it looks very different to when I was a girl! It is with admiration and gratitude that I highlight our Y3 and Y4 team for their hard work for successfully balancing learning and performance opportunities to build our children's confidence.
Mrs Manning and I went on a rainy tour of the village this afternoon, placing the eggs for the Easter Treasure Hunt. Remember, the eggs will not be on any private property. Thank you for your support with the Easter poem and egg decorating competitions. Judging was a joint effort with many staff members - I did not want to take sole responsibility!
The summer term will be a busy one: sports day, welcoming new families into the school, transition days, Y5 and Y6 performances, and much more! Don't forget, the summer term starts on Friday 12th April. We will share Star Reader dates and information when we return.
Special mentions...
Thank you to Penelope (Y2) for showing me a beautiful book that she had written at home - she took great care with her writing and the illustrations. Congratulations to Jessica (Y3), who passed her recent violin exam... with distinction! Thank you to Ben (Y1), who brought a land snail into school to show the class - fascinating! Thank you to our other Ben (Y1), who brought tadpoles in to show the class - lots of wildlife in Year 1 this week - lovely! Thank you to Ayrton (Y3), who has given me so many beautiful 'good mornings' when I have been on the gate recently - it makes for a nice start to the day.
I hope that you have a restful and happy Easter break - see you on Friday 12th April.