Year 3
The children worked hard this week, so we decided not to set the handwriting home learning sheet. Instead, we encourage the children to practise their play lines (slowly and loudly) for next week, please. Our learning included:
English – lots of writing, for our Talk for Writing character-based invent texts, a reading comprehension about unusual plants and the whole school writing task, ‘The Bunny Switch.’
Maths – we continue to explore mass (how heavy an object is), in grams and kilograms, finding equivalents, adding and subtracting.
Science – we observed the seeds we planted in our investigation on Friday and wrote these up.
PE – basketball skills
RE – reincarnation
Geography – using four figure grid references in a game of battleships, and consolidating our use of directions, grid references and compasses to complete games on an iPad.
Computing – planning a book trailer
Art – the rules of shading
Year 4
This week, we’ve rehearsed our play lots in preparation for next week’s performances. We have also thought about division and fractions of quantities in maths. In English, we’ve finished our persuasive writing about Sicily before moving on to Tetractys poetry about spring. In Science, we conducted our own experiments about the loudness of sound and the distance from it. We also continued our topic about Pompeii.
A letter will come home this evening detailing the kit list and when you should drop off/ pick up your child for our residential.
Please get in touch if you have any questions.
Mr T
Year 5
This week, we have begun to finish off lots of our topics and projects ready for the Easter holidays. On Monday, the children wrote a non-chronological report about an ammut (a mythical creature from Ancient Egypt). We had a few technical issues with printing, so we haven’t all managed to get them in our books yet, but we shall persevere!
On Wednesday, we spent the morning cooking and eating Bolognese. The children worked brilliantly as groups, delegated tasks, made compromises about ingredient choices and worked safely with kitchen equipment. I received the only injury of the day and that was during the washing up! All the children were really pleased with their finished product. They have all taken their recipes home – many said they would like to try and cook their Bolognese at home.
Next Monday, we will make our Ancient Egyptian death masks. If you haven’t yet sent in a cereal box for your child, there is still time! The masks will come home once they are dry – probably Tuesday.
Have a super weekend.
Miss Rutter, Mr Coldwell and Mrs Marsh
Year 6
We have continued to have a busy week in Year 6.
We are continuing to work our way through Macbeth, and we are now preparing to answer the question, 'Was Macbeth solely responsible for the death of King Duncan?'
Our grammar revision is ongoing - please remember that there is a grammar guide in the learning packs on GC.
In maths, we have been revising algebra and writing formulae.
In history, we have been learning about religious turmoil in Tudor times and how many times there changes from Catholic to Protestant happened.
In art, the children have been making flying machines inspired by Leonardo da Vinci.
We now have transition dates for the secondary schools, so next week, we will be releasing exciting dates such as the end of year play and leavers' assemblies.
Have a super weekend.
Nuala Gilmore