Year 3
Thank you kindly for your donations, supporting joke writing and the colourful outfits worn by the children today. We ended the day giggling at some of the jokes, which we will turn into a class joke book.
Highlights this week have definitely been hearing the children try very hard with their singing in play rehearsals, re-enacting and telling the story, ‘Le navet énorme’ in French (as your child to translate the title) and a room full of budding scientists setting up their own seed germination investigations with great independence.
Our learning has also included, beginning learning about mass (grams and kilograms) in maths. It would be great for the children to get some experience weighing and reading scales in grams and kilograms at home, if you can. An opportunity to get cooking/baking!
The children are developing character descriptions in English, as well as completing their weekly whole class reading and SPaG sessions. PSHE focussed on how we all belong to different groups, geography saw children drawing scale maps of gardens of their own design and art was sketching drinks can using and applying geometry.
We wish you all a spring-like, sunny weekend! The Year 3 team.
Year 4
This week, we have been completing formal calculations in maths and, writing a persuasive text about Newmarket. In Science, we made our own pan pipes to explore pitch and, in Topic, we looked at the eruption in Pompeii. Of course, we’ve also been rehearsing our school play which is starting to really come together.
Please make sure that your child’s costume comes in by Monday, if possible.
Also, there is a letter that has gone home about the trip. If you haven’t yet paid in full, it asks you to do so.
Finally, thanks for all of the effort with times tables recently. It has been noted, and we are starting to see brilliant progress in children’s confidence across the class.
Have a great weekend.
Mr T
Year 5
It’s been lovely to enjoy some more spring-like weather this week!
We have spent most of our English lessons writing our non-chronological report about a sphinx. We used lots of ideas we have been reading and sharing in our model texts. They were structured really well and were very creative - I really enjoyed reading them! In Maths, we have continued our fraction work. Mrs Shipp popped in to teach maths on Wednesday, and she was so impressed with their learning so far. They were solving some very tricky problems where they had to work out what a whole number was when they were only told a fraction of it.
We have started designing our death masks this week, taking inspiration from the Ancient Egyptians. There are some very ambitious designs, so we’re all excited to see how they will turn out. We will be making these during the last week of this half-term (WB 25th March), so if you haven’t sent in a cereal box for your child, there is still time!
Next Wednesday morning, we will be cooking Bolognese from our own recipes that we designed last half-term. It’s always a very fun morning. We usually end up with 10 very different, but very tasty, bologneses.
Have a super weekend,
Miss Rutter, Mr Coldwell and Mrs Marsh
Year 6
In maths, we have been revising the four operations, including reasoning problems. We are really pleased with the long division progress.
In English, we have continued to revise grammar terms and spelling rules, as well as reading some scenes from Macbeth and preparing to write a newspaper article about the death of King Duncan.
In history, we have been learning about why Henry chose to divorce Catherine of Aragon and what this meant going forward. We have also been analysing different sources which reveal something about Henry's character.
In PSHE, we finished our unit, learning about the dangers of cigarettes and alcohol with a recorded workshop by Crucial Crew.
In PE, the children have been working on their fitness levels.
Have a super weekend.
Nuala Gilmore