*****Key Stage 2 News This Week*****
Year 3:
What a wonderful week of learning! The children began using the expanded column method for addition and subtraction. Our method is on the school website, in the maths policy document, if you would like to familiarise yourself with it. There were lots of brilliant questions and enthusiasm in a double lesson about the Stone Age. We discovered how hunter-gatherers worked together to get food (you may hear about extracting marrow from bones and driving wild horses off cliffs, amongst other fascinating details). We are finding that managing and developing friendships is an area where a number of our children might benefit from support. In particular, we have been learning about how to be a good friend and what positive friendships look like. Finally, the children showed beautiful behaviour in our Remembrance assembly today, listening respectfully to the Year 6 children and observing a minute’s silence. Have a great weekend!
Year 4:
Lots of children are starting to use their known spellings more and more. It was lovely to see parents and guardians at parent’s evening to discuss and celebrate your child. In class, we have been writing with focus this week as we come to the end of a non-chronological report unit. In maths, we have moved on to a two digit by two digit grid method using place value counters as a mental and visual aid. Our partner and teamwork was incredible. We also demonstrated this in our PSHE circle time about similarities, and our Topic drama lesson learning about King Alfred’s rise to greatness. I will be considering altering when homework is set so that there is weekend time to complete it. This arose as feedback from parent’s evening. I will inform parents and guardians next week.
Year 5:
It was lovely to meet with you all this week. It's really nice to have an opportunity to sit and chat about the children and what positive starts they've made.
In English this week, we've continued looking at persuasion. Next week, we will be planning and writing a persuasive speech as one of the contenders for the crown in January 1066. We started with lots of Harold Godwinson fans, but I might have converted a few to Team Edgar. In maths, we have continued with our work on subtraction. We've subtracted 6-digit numbers and even solved some word problems. We've had some incredible progress on Times Table Mountain, too. Practice does make perfect!
If your child comes home asking for a mad plastic egg flippy thing, they mean these: https://www.amazon.co.uk/Baker-Ross-FE353-Ladybird-Jumping/dp/B095CMSWMX/ref=sr_1_10?keywords=jumping+popups&qid=1699610461&s=kids&sr=1-10
We used them in science and all fell rather in love with them!
Joanne Rutter
Year 6:
It was lovely to share your child's achievements and how they have settled in the term so far.
It has been another busy week in Year 6, and some of the things we have been doing are-
-Finding equivalent fractions;
-Comparing numerators and denominators;
-Writing an imitation text in English;
-Investigating variables in electrical circuits in science;
-Learning about the allied world leaders in history;
-Developing netball and gymnastic skills in PE.
I was exceptionally proud of the children who volunteered to lead the remembrance assembly today.
Please remember our Duxford trip on Monday!
Nuala Gilmore