Year 3
This week has flown by! Next week our castle building extravaganza takes place. Please make sure your child has card and other useful bits of ‘junk’ to bring in and use.
Our English learning this week has included writing kenning poems inspired by Boudicca, prepositions and prepositional phrases, and a writing assessment. Our new maths topic is length and perimeter. The children would benefit from any opportunities you could find to measure in mms, cms and metres at home or out and about.
They have also been inputting data in computing, creating sounds to accompany a story, setting future goals in PSHE and examining transparent, translucent and opaque objects in science. We rounded the week with a lively debate about whether Boudicca was a good leader – a rousing end to the week! Have a great weekend.
Year 4
This week, we’ve been learning about multiplying by powers of ten and applying this into different contexts. We have conducted a tooth decay experiment with an egg (your child will explain!) and, finished the week with some clay work in the style of Henry Moore.
In addition, our behaviour for learning has really increased whilst completing a writing assessment about a ‘Smartphone for Pets’. Please continue to complete the sleep diary as part of our PSHE learning. I can confirm, in case there were any questions, that the sleep posters were meant to go home as a visual reminder of a healthy sleep routine.
The residential letter will have been sent home with your child today. Please can we have the letters returned by Friday the 9th of February at the latest.
Any concerns or questions, do get in touch with me@
Have a fantastic weekend.
Mr T’
Year 5
This week, we learnt about meander and oxbow lake formation, used short division to divide monetary amounts, tasted different Bolognese sauces and coded microbits as pedometers.
Next week, we are off to Horstead! I have been answering a few of the children’s questions every day (they have mostly focused on the talent show!) Some key things to remember next week:
- Children in Y5 and Y6 who are coming on the trip can be brought to school at 9am on Wednesday. By this time, the car park and drop off will be clear to give them more time and space to wrestle bags out of cars! Any younger siblings can come in at 9am too – we won’t mark them as late.
- Children will need to bring a packed lunch with them for Wednesday lunch. It should be a decent size – the children won’t eat again until 5:30/6pm and that will be after they’ve unpacked and done their first 2 activities!
- Please don’t send anything precious or valuable!
Year 6
Despite being rather excited about Horstead, we have still been exceptionally busy.
In English this week, we have been writing gothic settings, focusing on the four senses.
In geography, we have been thinking about different coastal defences and the advantages and disadvantages of each.
In science, we have been learning about the classification of living things.
In RE, we have been learning about the rituals and significance of Shabbat for the Jewish faith.
In PE, the children have been developing their handball skills.
In computing, the children have been creating their own spreadsheets.
Reminders-please ensure that the children pack for Horstead WITH you. This saves a lot of time and fuss when we get there, looking for items children decree are not there!
Please remember that your child will need a packed lunch and a water bottle too.