Year 3
What a wonderful week Year 3 has had! The highlight, and our proudest moment, was the trip to Mildenhall Sports Hub for sports hall athletics. The children participated, behaved and supported each other beautifully. Please see ‘School News’ for photographs.
In English, children have invented some fantastic fairytales from the perspectives of different characters. They created a cold, terrifying atmosphere with their prosody in the whole class reading of ‘The Ice Palace,’ and wrote and punctuated direct speech.
We looked at how light can damage the eye and made posters advertising some rather snazzy sunglasses! In maths, we completed our division learning using arrays and number lines. Databases were created in computing, soundscapes in music and 3D nets in DT.
To round all this hard work off, we became journalists reporting on the Battle of Watling Street, the site of Boudicca’s defeat at the hands of the Romans.
Year 4
We’ve spent a lot of focused time typing our invented argument texts about King Alfred whilst improving our digital literacy skills. We have also made lots of progress in understanding perimeter. In computing, we’ve coded loops for a range of purposes and, in R.E. we’ve enacted and reflected on how Rama and Sita followed their Dharma (duty). Science was all about teeth in humans and animals. It was great to share our wisdom for looking after teeth too.
We are completing a times tables test three times a week now, so please ensure that lots of home practise is taking place on Times Tables Rockstars or otherwise. I feel many children are getting close to a move up!
Thank you for your ongoing support and have a great weekend.
P.S. Please look out for and respond to the letter about our Year 4 residential as promptly as possible. This way, we can get a gauge of numbers. We hope your child is able to come!’ The letter will be sent out early next week.
Year 5
We have been working hard this week to learn/ recap/ refine our knowledge and understanding of short division. It’s been tricky but we have persevered! In English, we have begun to learn about instruction and explanation texts. We’ve learnt how to correctly punctuate a bullet pointed list using : and ; In Geography, we conducted an investigation so see how the slope of the river bed affects the speed of the water. We then discussed how this would affect which features are formed or found at different points in the river course. In computing, we coded our microbits to count votes and then reveal the total number of votes when gently shaken. We will adapt this code in our next lesson.
We dropped down to 3rd on the Star Reader leader board this week. Reception are holding steady with 93% so we will need almost everyone to be a Star Reader to topple them! Remember, to be a Star Reader, your child needs to have written that they have read in their reading record book SIX times in a week.
Have a wonderful weekend,
Miss Rutter, Mr Coldwell and Mrs Marsh
Year 6
It's been another busy week this week in Year 6.
We have been working on inverse operations in reasoning problems; calculating missing percentages, and have started to learn about number sequences.
We have written cold tasks, based on the gothic genre; we have read a gothic playscript, and we have examined the 'blueprint' for the gothic genre.
Spellings this week: we have investigated adding prefixes to root words and have looked at why some of the final letters in a prefix are doubled when adding a root word.
This week, we have been learning about depositional processes and landforms and how longshore drift contributes to this.
This week, we have been thinking about the harmful chemicals which are contained within cigarettes and the impact they have on the body.
In RE, we were learning about the significance of the Sedar Plate as part of the festival of Passover. We also learnt about how the term 'passover' came about.
Have a super weekend!
Nuala Gilmore