Year 3
A number of Year 3 children have been observed being kind and inclusive with younger children when playing outside, so they received raffle tickets. ??
In maths, we have begun using the grid method for multiplication (please see the school maths policy if you are not familiar with this). We have some budding children’s authors in the class, rewriting Jack and the Beanstalk from the giant’s perspective.
Our history of learning about Boudicca, leader of the Iceni tribe, and their rebellion against the Roman army begun with a rallying cry to recruit Celtic warriors.
This term’s DT began with the features of castles (start saving card/cardboard, such as cereal boxes, please). We have also explored databases in computing, sacrifice in daily life in RE, proud moments in PSHE and where light comes from in science. We are delighted with how the children have returned to school!
Year 4
This week, we’ve worked hard to get back into routine and build on our learning behaviour. We started to explore our new topic of volcanoes, looked at factors in maths and visited the Museum of Zoology. This is without mentioning all the hard work with formal arguments, coding loops and learning about the Hindu concept of dharma. Year 4 has definitely earned a rest this weekend.
We have increased our times table mountain tests to three times a week now, and we are building extra writing sessions into our mornings.
We appreciate the great start children have made with punctuality in the mornings, so we are ready to learn promptly. Spellings are back up on Ed Shed and a paper copy should have gone home. We are having a test next Tuesday. Finally, you should have noticed handwriting homework due on Monday.
Many thanks for all the ongoing hard work you do with your children.
Year 5
It’s been a very busy first full week back! We have welcomed Mr Coldwell, our trainee teacher, into class. He has really enjoyed getting to know us and all our routines.
We have been getting to grips with Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet this week. We have had lots of fun acting out the first 2 sections. Today, we have been planning the devious conversation between Juliet and Friar Laurence. It is a key part of the play and we had lots of amazing ideas about what might have been said to change Juliet’s mind about marrying Paris.
We had a lovely walk round the village on Wednesday to conduct a pollution study on the river. The condition of the water was very clear, but there was rather a lot of dog poo! Some children thought they might like to create some posters for the Parish Council to highlight the issue in the village. We do love student activism!
Have a wonderful weekend!
Year 6
It's been a great first week back!
In maths, we have been busy learning to multiply and divide decimals - this is something which often is very challenging. We have spent a long time discussing how we need to ensure that the decimal is in the correct place, so the children might need a little reminder about this for their homework.
In English, we have been reading Michael Morpurgo's 'The Giant's Necklace" - a wonderful story with many twists and turns. We have been using this to prepare to write a newspaper article, including the subjunctive form.
In geography, we began to learn about different types of wave and how they affect the coastline. (This was a great opportunity to reminisce somewhat about our time at Aylmerton).
In RE, we were learning about the reverence with which the Torah must be treated.
In PSHE, we are preparing to begin our module where we learn a little about smoking, drugs and alcohol education. This was an opportunity for the children to write down what they think they know which we will then revisit next week.
We have been contacted by the leavers' hoody company about tops for this year. Please watch out for an email with a link to our website when you will be able to order a sweatshirt for your child. Please note that this is an opt-in and time-limited request.
Just a reminder about the Horstead meeting: please attend if you can. You should all have received a copy of the kit list via email.
Finally, we would like to wish you all a happy new year, and offer our thanks for the Christmas cards and gifts we received. Neom smells divine!
As always, if you have any worries or concerns, please get in touch.