A message from Mrs Shipp
Happy New Year! It is lovely to see the school full of children again. It has been a lovely first day back. I have heard lots of lovely stories about the break from many children.
Please could I reiterate our huge thanks for the wonderful gifts, cards and kind words at the end of last term. Your generosity is not expected, but very much appreciated.
We gathered together today for our first collective worship of the term, where we talked about Epiphany. We also introduced our new value, 'reflectiveness'. Next week, we will think about reflecting on mistakes as part of the learning process, and how to ask ourselves questions to reflect on how we are feeling.
As the weather turns colder, it is a good idea to remind you of our severe weather procedures. I will alert the Local Authority if we are closed, and their website here will reflect this. There are some schools in Suffolk which are currently closed due to flooding. I will also send out an email as early as possible if the school is closed. If you do not receive a message by 7:30am, please assume the school is open. When deciding if the school is open, we consider site safety, the number of staff who can make it in, and other health and safety implications. We always do our best to stay open. The school Twitter account will also show if the school is closed.
You will receive a separate email about Star Reader, which for this term begins on Monday. Please take the time to read this. I will talk to the children about it on Monday in assembly.
We have our second open morning for prospective new Reception parents on Thursday. Again, Y6 children can volunteer to help. I imagine there will be fewer people looking round this time, but I am sure they will be just as impressed with the behaviour and learning of our pupils.
A reminder, if your Christmas holiday was not as you had hoped, or if you experienced any difficulties, we are here to listen over a hot drink.
Wishing you all a lovely weekend - see you on Monday!