*****Key Stage 2 News This Week*****
Year 3:
The children have continued learning brilliantly in this final full week! This afternoon, they greatly impressed us by independently editing and adding more detail to six weeks of learning about the Stone Age in their Topic books. The children tried hard in arithmetic and reasoning assessments in maths. Lots of our learning has been inspired by the festive season. We created symmetrical snowflakes in maths, wrote Christmas poems, programmed Pro-bots to make Christmas trees, made French Christmas cards and wrote Christmas-related sentences with a main clause and a subordinate clause (and, in one, a Santa Claus!) On this theme, thank you kindly for your lovely cards and gifts – we are touched. Have a great weekend.
Year 4:
In Year 4, we have been consolidating our maths skills, finishing off a writing unit and sewing to our heart’s content. The book sleeves we’ve made really show all of our individuality. We also helped an elf with a fan circuit and animated stick people using Pivot Animator not to mention French Christmas cards and other learning!
We are aware that Christmas is around the corner and, will be making sure that next week’s learning supports the children’s energy levels and levels of focus. Whilst we still hold high expectations for behaviour, we will make sure that the learning and activities support the children at this stage in the term. It goes without saying that there may be pockets of particular fun.
Three more days to go ho ho.’
Year 5:
We have had a fabulous week this week: the children solved some tricky multiplication puzzles, with some visiting Mrs Shipp to show off their mathematical skills. We finished writing our Edward argument, and began to draw the Hastings topic to a close. Just a reminder to keep up the TTR work - the children have made super progress with times tables, but we do not want them to go rusty! We will finish off all of our topic work next week, and will enjoy some festive fun too. Have a great weekend!
Year 6:
This week has been another busy week in Year 6, despite the tiredness really starting to set in.
We have been writing narratives based on a short film called 'Alma', which really has a winter feel to it.
In maths, we have been continuing to work on developing our understanding of ratio - we have continued to discuss how having a rapid recall of timetables makes calculating ratio so much easier. If you and your child know that they are not yet completely secure in their recall of timetables, please ensure that they spend time on TTR - this is something they must complete at home.
In RE, we have been thinking about Zakat and how it is one of the five pillars of Islam. We learnt where some of the money goes and the reasons behind making these donations.
In history, we were learning about the reasons for allied successes in the Battle of Britain and how Hugh Dowding contributed to this.
In computing, the children published their 'Bletchley Park' websites - please ask your child to show you theirs - they are impressive.
Homework this week is a spag.com task. The children all have their log-in details in their reading records.
Have a super weekend!
Nuala Gilmore