*****Key Stage 2 News This Week*****
Year 3: What a wonderfully festive end to the week – we thoroughly enjoyed our Christmas jumper and lunch day. We have had to address the fact that Christmas wasn’t celebrated in the Stone Age! As this topic draws to an end, the wall outside our classroom is reminiscent of the caves of Lascaux thanks to the children’s realistic cave paintings. They have written free verse poems about prehistoric artefacts and explained why and how Stone Age people began to work together. In maths we have been multiplying and dividing by 8 – please do keep up as much times table practise as you can. They have also used observation and accurate use of equipment to conduct an investigation into soil permeability. No to mention PSHE, computing, RE and, of course, the all-important class advent calendar!
Year 4:
In year 4 this week, we have multiplied three one digit numbers, we completed a writing task and planned another piece of writing, carried on our sewing project and, so much more. All of us enjoyed our Christmas dinner on Friday too with the festive mood definitely building. Who knows, maybe Groot will have some tinsel next week.
We have spoken about the importance of kind words this week as a whole class and, over the next week I will be particularly praising the kindness I see in the children. This really supports our three rights also.
nThank you for all of your hard work with home learning and maths targets recently. It’s great to see the children being responsible with their learning too.’
Year 5:
We all had a wonderful lunch together today. We ate together in our classroom, listening to Christmas classics and enjoying the lovely dinner prepared by Angie and her team.
In maths this week we have been consolidating our written methods for multiplication. We solved some rather tricky puzzles on Wednesday – one of which was actually impossible! In English, we have been writing an argument text ‘Edward the Confessor is to blame for the crisis in 1066’. It’s lovely to see the children using so much of what they know in their writing.
Next week we will have the treat of watching both the Reception and KS1 nativity plays. We’ve heard snippets from the rehearsals and it sounds great!
Have a great weekend. I’m off to see the winter light display at Anglesey Abbey!
Year 6:
This has been another busy week in Year 6.
In science, the children made buzzer games - this was very exciting.
In English, we have been inventing flashback texts.
In maths, we have been learning how to calculate ratio. We have been really pleased with how the children worked so hard at this and made the link with tables and fractions.
In history, we were learning about some of the key events in WW2 and sequencing them on a timeline.
In our reading session this week, the children were reading about the blackout and the restrictions placed on people at the time.
I am setting no homework this weekend: we still have nearly two weeks, so we are preserving energy, somewhat. I have, however, asked that those children who did not do their homework last night, complete it this weekend. (spares are always in the classroom, and the children have been reminded of this).
Spelling has also been set - these spellings are also on Spelling Shed. The test will be next Friday.
Have a super weekend.