In line with the government’s Universal Free School Meals offer, we provide hot school lunches, free of charge for all children in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2. We also offer a pre-paid cooked lunch to children in Key Stage 2. All our meals are freshly prepared, cooked and served in our own kitchen. A vegetarian option is offered daily.
Free school meals are available to families on low incomes (details available from the School Office).
We are now introducing a 2nd & 3rd option for school dinners. This will give the children a jacket potato each day, should they want one. Parents will be required to sign their child up for the 2nd or 3rd option (usually includes a vegetarian option) for school meals via the website. The main option does not need to be signed up for. Parents should speak to their child about the menu, and then sign up for each day. Children are allowed to bring their own packed lunch, if they want to.