Year 3
What a wonderful week of learning and the beginning of Christmas festivities! We thoroughly enjoyed the reception and key stage 1 performances. As last week, I have not set the usual quantity of home learning this week, as it is really important to maintain those important reading, times table and maths target practices, amid the busy-ness of the season.
The children have continued to work really hard, with lots of writing! They completed the whole school writing task (a diary entry for a Brussels sprout!) and finished writing up their non-chronological reports about a prehistoric animal.
Our maths learning has focussed on telling time to the minute on an analogue clock – ‘minutes to’ proved rather tricky! Any practise you can do on this at home would be fantastic.
We really enjoyed learning about the layers of soil and why we have so many different soils and practising using scientific equipment accurately ahead of our investigation next week. In history, we learnt about Stone Age fashion (the development of clothing across the three ages). We delved inside a tablet in computing, identifying its components, their functions, and input and outputs. In music, the children and Miss Spinks worked in groups to create mountain-climbing soundscapes with instruments.
They played tag rugby with Mrs Crook in PE and are reviewing and consolidating this term’s learning in RE with Mrs Chittock.
We are looking forward to Christmas dinner all together in our handmade Christmas hats and all the fun of the fair later today!
Have a wonderful weekend – hopefully with some much-needed rest at this exciting time!
The Year 3 team
Year 4
Well, what a busy week, so much happening and we survived it. Next week will at least be quieter and we can concentrate on 'Christmas'. We have been very busy learning, so your children will be tired. A quiet, family-centred weekend might help us all get through next week.
Our learning this week:-
Maths - We have been looking at multiplying and dividing numbers by 10 or 100. The children have been told that we don't 'just add a zero', the digits move either left or right either one or two places. It is important they don't think of 'just adding a zero' as it doesn't work when you get to decimals and fractions. We are getting the children into good habits! With Mrs Harper, the children were looking at missing numbers from perimeter work.
English - The children had a writing assessment about Syril the Sprout's day out. They wrote really well and enjoyed looking at the inspirational video clip. I shall enjoy reading them all fully at the weekend.
Topic - We rounded off our topic by recapping what we knew and then talking about what made Alfred 'Great'.
Science - The children continued with their electricity topic.
PHSE - Applique was applied to pouches, ready for sewing together next week.
RE - we rounded off our topic by writing about what we have learnt about The Prophet Muhammed being the Seal.
HELP PLEASE - Tuesday 17th I need helpers for our sewing, lots of needles will need rethreading! I aim to start at the beginning of the day, so if you are able to help you can stay after drop off. Please email me and let me know if you can help. Thank you.
Please continue to do home learning - we will still be working hard next week.
Have a lovely (quiet) weekend
Mrs Chittock
Year 5
We may be rapidly heading towards the end of term but we have not let our foot off the gas! We are back on top of the Star Reader charts and all is good in the world!
In Maths, we have gone back to short multiplication and have been multiplying 3-digit, 4-digit and even 5-digit numbers. In English, we have been writing our imitate text - an argument entitled 'Edward the Confessor was to blame for the crisis in 1066'. It's been great to see the improvement in structure and tone as the week has gone on. Next week, the children will have a go at writing a different argument to put all they've learnt into practice.
In Computing, we have continued to use TinkerCAD to help us design our own Mars Rover. We thought about all the things a rover needs to be able to do and tried to incorporate that into our designs. In Science, we conducted an experiment to test the durability of different types of paper. The children are really beginning to think like scientists when planning experiments - we are all about controlling our variables and retesting if a result feels anomalous.
In History, we had a closer look at the Bayeux Tapestry*. The children used their knowledge of events (and a 30 second Latin lesson) to match up sections of the tapestry* with descriptions. They then had the chance to draw their favourite bit of the tapestry*. Next week, we will see how William actually becomes king (he still doesn't have that crown), how he helps secure power and how he deals with revolt and rebellion (enter Edwin and Morcar).
(*it's not really a tapestry - it's an embroidery.....)
On Wednesday, we got the chance to see the KS1 Nativity play which was a real treat. I remember doing that play with my class back when I taught Year 2 (about 184 years ago). It was a wonderful play and lovely to see Y1 and 2 shine up on stage.
Next Wednesday morning is our Christmas Reading Cafe. It would be lovely to see lots of you there if you are able to join us.
Have a great weekend - I'm off Christmas shopping in Brussels!
Miss Rutter, Mrs Marsh and Mrs Nichols
Year 6
In English, we have been writing our flashback texts, based on Germans in the Woods.
In maths, we have been continuing to use the four operations to answer some very challenging fractions questions.
In RE, we have been comparing the way in which Jesus is presented in the Bible and in the Qur'an.
In Science we have been learning about electrical safety.
In history, we have been learning about the type of leader Churchill was and considering the type of leader which was needed during wartime. We have also been learning about some of the different battles in WW2.
In Computing we have finished creating our web sites about Bletchley Park. The children have shared the links to their web site on Google classroom. These can only be viewed by people within the school community, not on the wider web.
Careers corner
In the spring term, we would be really grateful if any parent were able to come into the class and speak about their job: whilst post-16 options is not something your child will necessarily be considering now, it is really important that they develop an understanding of the journeys taken into different careers. They are a very friendly and receptive class who would welcome you warmly and be great listeners. Ideally, we would like to host on a Monday or Thursday afternoon. Please get in touch if this is something you would be willing to do.
We have decided NOT to set homework this weekend, but we encourage TTR and Spelling Shed, please.
Have a super weekend.
Nuala Gilmore