Year 3
This week seems to have passed in a blur! We have done LOTS of learning. It is wonderful to see children make progress in times tables and maths targets. We have added the incentive of a Times Tables Rockstar certificate for children improving their studio speed.
Writing stamina in English is coming along. We completed an ‘innovation’ of a non-chronological report about elephants and wrote pair sentences about prehistoric animals using children’s home learning in preparation for our next report-writing task… As a class, we read ‘Stone Age’ boy and answered questions based on the text.
This week’s maths has covered multiplication and division across the 4- and 8 times tables, as well as finding links between the 2, 4 and 8s. We became human computers this week, and the functions of their components, following an algorithm to create a piece of ‘art’. We prepared a ‘stone’ background to paint cave animals in art next week. The children researched how people hunted, gathered and began to farm food throughout the three Stone Ages.
In science, the children created posters about the three rock types, using what they have learnt and additional online research. Miss Spinks taught music and Mrs Chittock led a discussion about the first muezzin in RE.
Have a wonderful weekend - undoubtedly the Elves will be emerging in many households, and we will hear all about them on Monday!
The Year 3 team
Year 4
Well, they went and did it! They managed to get me to say C*******s 10 times before the 1st of December. They deserved the treat, they worked so hard to get it ?? We have had a lovely week, though the excitement is building probably a little too much. Haha ha!
Our learning this week:
English - We have now mastered our text, ready to write it up next week and then make it our own.
Maths - Multiplying 3 numbers! This involved using the multiplication grid and expanded column addition. We then had an assessment which the children did really well with. We are now starting to recap our learning so far before we move on to even trickier work. With Mrs Harper the children were looking at the perimeter of a rectangle.
Topic - We looked at how Alfred was made King, voted for by the Witan.
RE - Learnt about and made an Advent Wreath/Crown. And continued to look at our Islam unit, we discussed what sort of person the Prophet Muhammed was and started to look at stories about him.
Science - the children conducted some circuit investigations involving bulbs, buzzers, motors and switches.
PHSE - Templates were made for the book cover. We will be needing some adult help when it comes to sewing the covers in a week or so's time so if you are able to come in and help that would be great.
Bookster Bear was nowhere near coming to us this week, the percentage was embarrassingly low. Please encourage your child to read and record it in their record book, and if you could listen to them at least once a week that would be great. Come on, we need to get Bookster before the C*******s break!
Have a great weekend and I look forward to seeing the children on Monday.
Mrs Chittock
Year 5
In History, we arrived at the second of the battles in 1066 - The Battle of Stamford Bridge. Here, the Viking forces were surprised and ultimately beaten by the Anglo-Saxons. We had to say goodbye to two of the most colourful characters of this topic, Harald Hardrada and Tostig Godwinson, as they were both slain during the battle. Hastings here we come!
In Maths this week, we have been learning how to short divide. It's always the calculation method we learn last as it is so different to the others. The children have worked so hard to understand the complexities of this method. It's been great to see the children use their times table knowledge. All those hours spent practicing and learning them have really paid off this week!
In English, we have continued to learn about letters. The children have planned and written their own version of Tostig Godwinson's angry letter to his brother, Harold. We have focused on vocabulary choices, tone and using different sentence structures. I had so much fun reading them on Thursday.
In Science this week, we tested how the surface area of an object affects how much water it can absorb. This was a follow on from last week's experiment so we could improve our technique. I was really impressed with how the children have begun to spot anomalous results and retest so they have the most accurate results they can. On Wednesday we used excel to help us make graphs to show our results. This is quite complicated but the children were great. I talked them through how to make the first graph and then they all managed to independently make their second graph (and change all colours of the bars) within 15 minutes!
Thank you to everyone who supported the JRSO cake sale this afternoon. They had lots of fun running the stall and have hopefully raised lots of money for their sign. We will let you know when we've counted it all up!
Have a great weekend,
Miss Rutter, Mrs Marsh and Mrs Nichols.
Year 6
The Year 6 children have been absolutely incredible in Mrs. Gilmore's absence. Their hard work, enthusiasm, and positive attitude have been truly commendable.
In English, they have completed their Talk for Writing text, focusing on flashbacks. They showed creativity and thoughtfulness as they began to explore literary devices to use in their own Invent Text next week.
In maths, the children excelled in using the grid method to multiply fractions before confidently moving on to more abstract methods.
History lessons were engaging as we explored the life of a person in 1930s Britain.
In French, we worked on the verb avoir ("to have"), and the children impressed with their willingness to practice and apply their learning.
Music lessons have been lively as the children experimented with composing on GarageBand. While there's room for improvement, their creativity and teamwork have shone through!
As part of their Advent preparations, the children wrote thoughtful and heartfelt prayers, which will be taken to church on Sunday.
Year 6, you have been an absolute joy to teach – well done!
Miss Spinks and Mrs Shipp