Year 3
It has been a super week in Year 3, with the highlight being our trip to Mildenhall hub for an indoor athletics event. With 16 schools involved (across Years 3 and 4) it was a busy, noisy environment, and the children coped admirably. Every child participated, trying their best and with a smile, and cheering on their classmates. Do have a look at the photographs on the website. We were proud of their behaviour and enthusiasm.
Our English learning this week included writing ideas of what the wolf’s perspective might have been in the tale of ‘Little Red Riding Hood.’ The children are completing their weekly grammar worksheet increasingly independently, and we can recite the text map for ‘The Three Little Pigs’ using symbols only. In maths, the children divided two-digit numbers by 1-digit numbers using arrays, then a number line. We have progressed to calculations which produce a remainder.
In DT, the children have designed their own castles using 2D shapes, incorporating and labelling key features. In computing we explored the similarities and differences of paper-based and digital databases, and their pros and cons. In history, the children attempted to rally support for Boudicca by creating posters to recruit Celts from all tribes to join forces against the Roman army, who did not honour her husband’s will by seizing his entire kingdom, rather than half, and beating and humiliating the queen and her daughters.
We designed sunglasses in science, explaining how they protect our eyes from sunlight and the potential dangers of UV light – they looked rather fabulous, too! The children wrote about ‘Rakshan Bandan’ in RE with Mrs Chittock, and we mixed colours and added to our colour vocabulary in French.
After a busy, exciting few days, we could all do with a quiet weekend (I’m sure many of you, like me, will consider this wishful thinking!) Whatever you are doing, have a lovely couple of days.
The Year 3 team (Miss Murphy, Mrs Troughton and Mrs Dobson)
Year 4
We have had a very busy week with our learning and I think the children like writing poetry a little bit more now. We are starting to have a few children with colds. Please, if you can, try and encourage your child to come to school, Calpol is good for keeping them going! If you do give them Calpol before school, please write it in their reading record and let us know if you are happy for us to give them more if needed. We will call you if we feel they are not coping.
Our learning this week;-
English - we have finished our Tanka poems and then looked at Tetractys poems. The children have been writing them up to create a Poetry Corner display in the corridor. We have started to look at discussion texts. With Mrs Harper the children looked at a reading comprehension about sound waves.
Maths - We have continued with fractions and this week we looked at mixed fractions; identifying integers and fractions, recognising mixed fractions, writing them and putting them on a number line. With Mrs Harper the children have been calculating the perimeter of polygons.
Art - Continuing to look at famous artists this week we looked at Pablo Picasso. We looked at several pieces of his art featuring Cubism and his 'blue period'. The children then released their inner Pablo Picasso and drew a face in the cubist style.
Topic - We talked some more about tectonic plates and looked at how a volcano is constructed.
Computing - Using Scratch the children used the loop function to create shapes.
PHSE - Health benefits of sleep and how at different ages it will be different.
RE - This week the children wrote about the festival of Rakshan Bandan.
Well done, we have seen an increase in our percentage for Star Reader let's keep it going.
Have a lovely weekend
Mrs Chittock and the year 4 team
Year 5
Brian Bilston was correct - January really does have six thousand, one hundred and eighty-four days. And we've still got a few more to go!
In English this week we finished looking at Romeo and Juliet. On Monday, the children typed up their conversations between Juliet and Friar Laurence. They worked so hard so they remember all the rules for punctuating direct speech. In Maths, we have finished our money unit. We have been adding, subtracting, multiplying and dividing monetary amounts.
On Wednesday we had lots of fun in our computing lesson. The children programmed their microbits to show a stickman dancing - some microbits had 5 different dances. We then had a stickman disco to the disco classic, the YMCA. There has been a request for another disco next week! In science, we learnt about dissolving (largely through talking about sugary tea!) We also learnt lots of names that start with the same letter and tried to make sense of them (solvent, solute, solution, soluble - thank you chemists!)
We have had lots and lots of 'move ups' this week on Times Table Mountain. We even had 4 children move up twice! I'm often asked to update the 'speed chart' we have in class because there is always lots of progress there too! We use times table knowledge every day in maths so practising is worth the effort!
Next week, the CWC are doing their first assembly of the calendar year, all about Chinese New Year. The JRSOs will also be continuing their fundraising drive by announcing a non-uniform day.
Have a wonderful weekend. Stay safe in this horrible weather!
Miss Rutter, Mrs Marsh and Mrs Nichols.
Year 6
We have worked exceptionally hard this week in Y6!
In maths, we have continued to multiply and divide fractions and convert between fractions and decimals. (We have discussed A LOT) how integral times tables is to this. This is something we will continue with. Home learning is based on this this week.
In English, we are preparing to write tales of suspense. We have started off by writing part of the setting description. We have also focused on 'tell: show three' descriptive sentences.
In RE, we were learning about karma and dharma and the significance of these for Hindus.
In PSHE, we started to look at the difference between a legal and an illegal drug and the impact of these.
In geography, we have been learning about the difference between constructive and destructive waves; how the fetch can affect the waves at a coastline and how the geology of the coastline is different in different places.
In art, the children have be exploring atmospheric perspective and use it in a piece of art.
Reading: please can you remind your children to record their reading in their reading records? Thank you.
Spelling Shed: please encourage your child to play this.
Have a super weekend.
Nuala Gilmore